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Fox Gloss Hair Treatment Step 2

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SKU: FG0001

Fox Gloss Hair Straightening (Step 2)

Fox Professional is a relatively new brand that only appeared on the market in 2016. However, over the past few years, the company has already managed to earn a reputation as a reliable manufacturer of hair cosmetics. The company's specialists are tirelessly developing innovative formulas that comprise a huge complex of nutrients that invariably affect the health of your curls.
Fox Professional is a Brazilian brand, so it is not surprising that most of the active components of funds from this company can be found in the Amazon.
Fox Gloss Hair Straightening is one of the brand's most advanced designs. This tool allows you to take good care of the health of the hair, while receiving a number of special advantages.

Features Keratin Fox Gloss

The company's specialists primarily focus on the fact that the composition of the product does not contain formaldehydes and their derivatives. Fox Gloss is a storehouse of beneficial trace elements that come from a range of natural ingredients. The composition of this keratin agent includes the following main ingredients:
• Shea Butter;
• avocado oil;
• myrrh oil;
• oat extract;
• coffee extract;
• isothiazolinone.

The tool is universal and suitable for absolutely any type of hair, including for allergy sufferers.

Using keratin Fox Gloss, the price of which compares favorably with its counterparts on the market, you can always count on such advantages:
• 100% natural composition;
• high-quality hair straightening and discipline;
• maintaining the volume of hair at the roots;
• lack of effect on dyed hair;
• long duration of action (from 3 to 6 months).

Fox Gloss Directions for Use

Before you buy keratin for Fox Gloss hair, read the instructions for its use:

1. Wash your hair with deep shampoo. Repeat the process if the hair is thicker.
2. Dry your hair with a towel 100%.
3. Divide the curls into 4 main parts, after which apply the composition, departing from the scalp by 1 cm.
4. Hold the product on curls for up to 40 minutes.
5. Dry with a hairdryer in a cold mode by 100%.
6. Using an iron with a temperature regime of 180-230 degrees, carry out 10-15 broaches of each part.
7. Rinse hair, wash with regular shampoo and apply conditioner.

Для какой степени повреждения подходит данный кератин ?
Elena Marinina, Добрий день! Кератин підходить до 3 степені пошкодження.
Здравствуйте можно ли пользоваться составом при кормлении грудью?
Елена Данилюк , Доброго дня! Не рекомендується робити процедури кератину та ботоксу під вагітності та годування груддю.
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Гарантия от производителя 12 месяцев

Made in Brazil
Type of product Keratin
Hair type Dense, Dry, Porous, Slavic type
Express composition No
Curl Type Medium curls
Hair Damage Level 1-3
Film Density Strong
Nutrition Yes
Shelf Life 12 months after opening
Consumption per Procedure Hair to shoulders: 15-20 ml; Hair to shoulder blades: 20-30 ml; Hair to waist: 30-50 ml