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Richee Nano BTX

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SKU: RP010

Richee Nanobotox Repair

Beautiful curls can be called with confidence the visiting card of any representative of the fair sex. The presence of saturated, vibrant, shiny hair indicates that their owner is healthy and looks stunning. Unfortunately, this feminine jewelry is often subjected to destructive external influences and is capable of losing all its positive properties in a short time. Fortunately, the beauty industry does not stand still - today there are many tools that restore the density and strength of curls. We recommend Richee Nanobotox Repair Botox for hair purchase, which provides an instant effect, fully smoothes and tightens the strands, making them shiny.

Features Richee Nanobotox Repair

The above cosmetics is a composition for professional hair restoration. Its main task is to return the lost mass and make up for the loss of keratin. The composition of the product is supplemented with hydrolyzed keratin, natural oils, and arabica coffee extract. It is enough to go to the procedure once and you can immediately notice how much the condition of the curls has improved.

Hair restoration Richee Nanobotox Repair in Kiev effectively treats and restores a damaged, weakened procedure, because it includes a rich composition of natural oils that carefully seal the cuticle part. As a result, the original keratin mass returns, shine is given, the hair becomes perfectly smooth, straight, elastic.

Instructions for use

The composition itself is quite easy to use - often the procedure is carried out at home. In this case, you do not need to use high temperatures, which eliminates the chance to harm the curls:

• Using a deep cleaning shampoo, your hair is washed several times depending on the condition it is in. The foam should be kept on the hair for 5 minutes, after which a hair dryer with warm air is used for drying.
• Hair is divided into 4 zones. The composition is applied (you need to start from the back of the head and back away from the scalp by a couple of centimeters). Strands are combed with a comb to eliminate excess composition.
• The product remains on curls for the next half hour, after which it is thoroughly washed off.
• Then the hair is completely dried with a hairdryer.
• It is necessary to make a division into 4 zones again and proceed with ironing. It is recommended to make at least 10 broaches (at the tips no more than 4).
• At the end, a final mask is applied for several minutes, after which it is washed off.

Complex for hair restoration Richee Nano BTX Repair the price will be very reasonable if you contact our trusted online store and make an order here. Have additional questions? Competent managers will answer them and help you make a choice.

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Гарантия от производителя 12 месяцев

Made in Бразилия
Express composition No
Nutrition No