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Richee Hair Keratin Argan E Ojon

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Richee argan E ojon

Hair straightening Richee Argan e Ojon in Kiev is a very popular and widespread tool, the production of which is carried out by the well-established foreign brand Richee. First of all, it is recommended to purchase such cosmetics for those women who need to protect their hair, moisturize them, make them as soft and shiny as possible.

Benefits of Richee Argan Ojon

The above composition is an extremely powerful system that perfectly straightens curls up to six months, containing a unique formula of argan oil, Ojon oil and D-panthenol. It effectively restores hair and gives it many useful properties.

Today, many people want to buy Richee Argan e Ojon keratin, and all because it is characterized by many advantages:

  • Perfect straightening curls for up to six months.
  • Natural oils help protect strands, moisturize and give maximum shine and softness.
  • After the procedure, the color of the curls will not exactly change.
  • Suitable for any type of hair. Cosmetics cope even with the strongest African curls and can be used for bleached hair.

How to use Richee Argan Ojon?

In order to achieve a positive result, you need to know how to use the above cosmetics:

• First, the hair is washed with a deep shampoo. Foam should be left on curls for 5 minutes, then rinse off and proceed to blow drying.
• Next, the strands are divided into 4 zones. The composition is applied from the back of the head (do not forget about indents from the skin for 1-2 centimeters). Then a comb is used to remove the excess composition. Thus, each zone is worked out.
• Now you need to completely dry the hair with a hairdryer, working in cold mode.
• Hair is again divided into zones. Starting from the back of the head, they are straightened with an iron operating at a temperature of 220 degrees. Each strand is processed about 10 times.
• The curls cool down, washed with warm water, after which a mask is applied. After a couple of minutes, it is also washed off.

If you want the Richee Argan e Ojon price to be quite acceptable, we recommend that you contact our trusted online store and make an order here. A wide range is available in the online catalog, so choosing the best option is clearly not difficult.

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Тоцкая Снежана Алексеевна, Спасибо большое Вам за отзыв. Некоторые составы с высокой степенью выпрямления действительно имеют сильный запах, их не рекомендуется делать в плохо проветриваемых помещениях. Для комфорта мастера и клиента, а также безопасности очень важна хорошая вытяжка.
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Гарантия от производителя 12 месяцев

Made in Brazil
Type of product Keratin
Hair type Afro, "Christmas tree", Coarse, Dense, Dry, Porous
Express composition No
Curl Type Strong curls
Modification Strength Strong
Hair Damage Level 1-3
Film Density Strong
Nutrition Yes
Shelf Life 12 months after opening
Consumption per Procedure Hair to shoulders: 15-20 ml; Hair to shoulder blades: 20-30 ml; Hair to waist: 30-50 ml