Max Blowout - a revolutionary hair treatment

American brand called Max Blowout from Eckoz Professional finally appeared on european market of keratin hair straightening. The company produces high-quality hair restoration products under the Max Blowout brand for more than 10 years and more than 30 years for other brands. Production facilities are located in Miami, USA.

In the global market, Max Blowout was able to prove itself in a positive way. Its employees created a keratin formula for 2 years: they tested, searched, tested various compositions until they found the perfect tool taking into account the extensive experience accumulated over more than thirty years in the professional cosmetics market. Our online store is the first and only official distributor of this brand in Ukraine. We also offer free delivery in EU.

Keratin Max Blowout is a key product in the professional hair restoration line of this brand. At the time of its creation, experts were able to introduce a highly concentrated formula that includes oils of Brazil nuts and Amazonian rainforests. This made it possible to smooth even the toughest and most disobedient curls. Vitamins A and E are present in tropical oil, it acts as a natural moisturizer for dry hair, as a result of which the curls become bulky and shiny.

The formula means is able to straighten and smooth the hair. Keratin molecules instantly find themselves deep in the cuticle, which works to restore and moisturize the hair. As a result, it will be possible to enjoy shiny, soft, smooth and docile curls along the entire length. The above brand includes in its lineup several premium class compositions: Bottoplex, Max Blowout Premium and Max Blowout Ultimate. Their key difference lies in the rectifying power and holding time on the curls.

  • Premium has a good rectifying power. The procedure consists of two stages and involves the use of deep cleaning shampoo with keratin. The exposure time of the compositions to rinsing is from 2 hours to 2 days depending on the desired effect.
  • Ultimate has incredibly strong rectifying properties. The procedure consists of 3 stages. The composition can be washed off after only 20 minutes after aging on the hair.

Also one of the key products of this brand is Botox Max Blowout Bottoplex Premium. One of its key functions is to repair existing damage. The composition restores the curls at the molecular level, strengthens disulfide bonds, deeply moisturizes and heals the affected hair areas. It has the effect of antifreeze. In addition, Max Blowout's botoplex protects hair from future damage. Thus, the curls are protected from staining in the future, along with chemical exposure and aggressive external environment.

  • Combines the effect of Botox for hair and Plex. In addition to a slight effect of straightening and repair, PLEX helps to reduce the damage caused by hair during dyeing and other “harmful” procedures. Bottoplex can be used as a substrate when dyeing, as well as complete hair dyeing with this procedure.

Instructions for using Max Blowout products

In order for the result to meet expectations, the Max Blowout instruction must be taken into account:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hair twice with deep cleaning shampoo. The first time left on the curls for a couple of minutes.
  2. Further, the hair is completely dried by a hair dryer and divided into 4 parts.
  3. You should indent 0.6 inch from the scalp and begin to apply the composition to the hair. It is important that the hair is completely covered with the composition, while you need to avoid oversaturation.
  4. Keratin is evenly distributed throughout the hair, then excess is removed.
  5. After 20-30 minutes, the hair is dried by a hair dryer in an average-hot temperature mode.
  6. Hair is divided into 4 parts. Take thin strands and stretched 10 times each.
  7. After 30 minutes, the composition is thoroughly washed with warm water. Upon completion of the straightening procedure, you can enjoy perfectly straight, smooth curls that will retain their shape even in the worst weather.